Important! Now2Give will never ask you for any personal details, it will not ask you for any financial details ever.
Now2Give is basically an app that acts like a diary for your charitable donations, it will store who you give to, when you last donated and how much so that you can keep track of your donations.
Now2Give has no payment or financial tracking and any donations you make will be up to you to do through the charities website.
You will be able to browse charities through this website and you can add them to your list but the charities and this site will not store any information about this.
You can add your own charities that you want to donate to and you can recommend them if you wish to be included in the recommended charities once verified.
Where is the data stored? well its stored in your browser where it is only accessible by this app, it is not backed up anywhere although we will provide instructions for you to take a personal copy and how to restore that copy to your browser as well as how to remove all information stored in your browser.
This does limit your use to a single browser on a single device but you can move it if you wish as mentioned above. As stated only your browser knows your data and your browser keeps it secure.
So whats the point? Well firstly it acts as a todo/calendar list for your donations, secondly you can browse for other charities that you may wish to donate to.